Green Smoothie Challenge: Day 3

Green Smoothie Challenge: Prep
Green Smoothie Challenge: Day 0.5
Green Smoothie Challenge: Day 1
Green Smoothie Challenge: Day 2

Today is actually Day 5 of our Challenge, but my full school day (which means I’m gone for almost 12 hours) didn’t leave any time for posting.

Things are going pretty good. I’m feeling less hungry and have more energy than I thought I would. I am enjoying the food once I’m eating it, but am having to talk myself into making it.  Still daydreaming about all the other things I’d like to be eating. Like bread and avocado and Granny Smith Apples and coffee and dark chocolate and peanut butter… Only three more days to go!

All recipes below without a link can be found at the Vedged Out Green Smoothie Challenge page.

Day 3 Eats:

Breakfast was a Razzleberry Lemonade Smoothie. As usual, I used ½ cup Greens Puree in place of the greens, only ½ a banana, and left out the ice. I also used ½ of a lemon (segmented and some peel). I’ve had this smoothie before, and I love how different it is. The sour berry lemon flavour sure wakes up the tastebuds!


Once again, I forgot part of my smoothie in the freezer for a little bit and ended up with some lemonade slush. Yum!


After my smoothie, I had some warm ginger mint herbal tea.

I put together a big salad plate for lunch. It tasted just as good as it looks! It had romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce, Balsamic Vinaigrette, artichoke hearts, cucumber, orange pepper, Italian White Beans, and some Lemon Pepper Coleslaw.



The Lemon Pepper Coleslaw was something I had just come up with. Basically, I was thinking of making my Basic No-Mayo Coleslaw challenge-worthy, and this is what I ended up with. Without any sugar or oil for balance, it is quite sour, but has made a great addition to salads and other things.

Lemon Pepper Coleslaw
3-4 cups shredded cabbage
Juice and zest of one lemon
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
½ tsp ground black pepper


Mid-afternoon Jem and I met for a study date at a coffee shop. It was very difficult to talk ourselves into having herbal tea and nothing else! We both ended up with vanilla rooibos tea with steamed soy milk. The milk isn’t really challenge-approved (though it doesn’t actually say anything about it other than it is in some smoothies), but I’m pretty sure it was the only thing coming between us and a sweet caffeinated drink and/or a treat.

When we got home, we each had a plate of mini lettuce wraps (because we had already torn the lettuce). Our lettuce wraps were just red leaf and romaine lettuce with hummus and Lemon Pepper Coleslaw.


A couple hours later, dinner was leftover Hot & Sour Soup. Still just as good as the day before!


I made a Berry Vanilla Smoothie (based on the Blueberry Vanilla Smoothie) for an evening snack with ½ cup Greens Puree, 1 cup mixed berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries), ½ cup blueberries, ½ a banana, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 1 tbsp ground flax, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, and 5 drops of vanilla stevia.


My water today: 7 cups. 

Jem and I ate the same Razzleberry Lemonade Smoothie for breakfast, except that she used a whole banana and hemp protein powder instead of flax. During the morning she had ginger mint tea and some hummus with orange pepper, carrot, and cucumber. She didn’t actually have a salad or a second smoothie on this day, but had the same vanilla rooibos tea, lettuce wraps, and Hot & Sour Soup with me.

Green Smoothie Challenge: Day 4

I’ve shared this post with Healthy Vegan Friday #66 and Gluten Free Friday #62.

My Most Made Recipes



Vegan MoFo 2013 – Post #12

I don’t have a lot of time today for a post, as I should be spending the day studying for a test I have tomorrow, so I thought I’d just share with you some of the recipes I’ve posted about that I actually make repeatedly. The number is actually pretty small. There are just always so many new and interesting recipes to try that I find it difficult to repeat past ones, even when I really loved them. The ones that I do repeat are usually the ones that were really quick and easy, in addition to tasty.



I make these Chickpea Flour Omelettes all the time! They are quick, easy, very filling, and easily adaptable to whatever vegetables I have on hand. My favourite fillings include spinach, peppers, something spicy like pickled jalapeños or red pepper flakes, and a bit of Daiya Cheese.

And for a variation, I’ve made these Vegan Scrambled ‘Eggs’ a few times since I discovered them.





I’ve been making these Easy Hot & Sour Refrigerator Pickles on and off all summer long and they always disappear very quickly! I mostly just eat them as snacks.



It isn’t a recipe, but I am pretty much obsessed with falafel salads and wraps. (Seriously, search my blog for ‘falafel’ and you’ll see one pop up on almost every What I Ate Wednesday post.) I used to use Casbah Falafel mix, but now I’ve been using the Baked Falafel Burgers from Veggie Burgers Every Which Way. Staples in my falafel salads are cucumbers, peppers, either hummus or tahini sauce, and (lately) Sriracha.


These Wheat-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies from Veganomicon are a big hit with my family and I. I love the texture and taste from the oat flour and the recipe is really easy. The small batch means you won’t be taking cookies in and out of the oven for hours, and you won’t have too many leftovers to tempt you in the following days.


This Lower-Fat Chocolate Chip Banana Bread from Veganomicon has been repeated quite a few times in our household, and is a big hit with omnivores and vegan (just me) alike. You can also see it here, with the addition of raspberries!


This Basic No-Mayo Coleslaw is (in my humble opinion) crunchy, tangy, coleslaw perfection. I make this quite a lot, both for myself and as a contribution to family dinners. My mom and sister have also requested the recipe and made it a few times! 🙂 I find it seriously addictive, in a good way, and it never lasts long.


And last, but certainly not least is my Avocado Toast with Balsamic Vinegar. Sometimes the simplest things are the best. I make this all the time, at all times of day, and I always thoroughly enjoy it! Hearty crunchy whole grain bread (I prefer Silver Hills), rich creamy avocado, tangy balsamic vinegar and lemon juice, and a punch of spice from the black pepper! Yum yum yum. I think I know what I’m having for lunch today.

Veggie Burgers Every Which Way: Baked Falafel Burgers



Vegan MoFo 2013 – Post #9

In my quest to stop buying processed veggie burgers (and other faux meats), I’ve been trying a lot of different veggie burger recipes from the web and different cookbooks. I love having a batch, or two, of veggie burgers in the freezer for those times when I am in need of a quick meal. Put them in a bun or wrap along with some fresh vegetables, or crumble on a salad and you’ve got a near-instant meal! If you follow my What I Ate Wednesday posts you’ve probably seen a lot of different veggie burgers popping up in these ways, including these Baked Falafel Burgers from Lukas Volger’s Veggie Burgers Every Which Way.


I’ve always loved falafel, but this was actually the first time I’ve made them from scratch. And they were really easy! This is probably the simplest veggie burger recipe I’ve tried so far (everything goes right into the food processor) and one of the best. The hardest part of the recipe is remembering to get the chickpeas soaking the night or morning before.





I did make a few minor changes to the recipe, just based on what I had on hand. Even with these changes, the recipe still worked perfectly.
– I doubled the recipe, but didn’t double the amount of onion or lemon zest.
– I neglected to measure the chickpeas before I set them soaking, so I just used about 2 cups of soaked chickpeas.
– I forgot to add parsley to my grocery list, so I added spinach for some green. Parsley is a pretty essential ingredient in most falafel and I would definitely add it next time, but the burgers still tasted great without it.
– I didn’t need to add the optional water or chickpea flour.



I noticed in this recipe that the yield says 4 patties, but in the recipe it says to shape it into 6 patties. I doubled the recipe and ended up with 9 patties.

Fresh from the oven, with some roasted red pepper hummus and cucumber.


You May Also Enjoy:
IMG_2222Easy Hot & Sour Refrigerator Pickles

IMG_1004Baked Mediterranean Chickpea Burgers

Collage, BB Burritos 1Butternut Squash Black Bean Burritos

What I Ate Wednesday #138



Vegan MoFo 2013 #6 & What I Ate Wednesday #138

IMG_3558Falafel Salad – Green leaf lettuce, broccoli sprouts, yellow pepper, cucumber, lemon juice, Sriracha, falafel burger, and hummus.


A baked potato with hummus, Sriracha, yellow pepper, broccoli sprouts, and Daiya cheddar. With a Field Roast Frankfurter.

IMG_3595Quinoa, lime juice, Vega Antioxidant Oil, pickled jalapeños, cucumber, and yellow pepper.

IMG_3596Part of a raspberry lime mini-loaf with almonds and walnuts.

IMG_3605Chocolate Blueberry Oats – I made these as overnight oats, but really didn’t like them cold, so I warmed them up a bit. Just oats, chia seeds, blueberries, cocoa powder, and unsweetened almond milk.

IMG_3607Toasted Silver Hills Squirelly Bread with avocado, lemon dill hummus, Sriracha, broccoli sprouts, and spinach.

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What I Ate Wednesday #137
What I Ate Wednesday #109: Salad Love 
What I Ate Wednesday #136: Vegan In Victoria
What I Ate Wednesday #130

What I Ate Wednesday #137


Vegan MoFo 2013 – Post #2

It’s time for What I Ate Wednesday #137! Enjoy!

Quinoa, zucchini, avocado, and Cajun seasoning.

Quinoa, green lentils, carrots, zucchini, and taco seasoning.

A Spicy Vegan Chili Burger on a whole wheat bun with Daiya Jack Wedge, hummus, Sriracha, and green leaf lettuce. With my Basic No-Mayo Coleslaw.

Green leaf lettuce, cucumber, red pepper, fresh ground pepper, balsamic vinaigrette, and a crumbled veggie burger.

Toasted Silver Hills Squirelly Bread with avocado tossed in lemon juice, hummus, Sriracha, green leaf lettuce, and a crumbled mini Spicy Vegan Chili Burger. With a side of cucumber with fresh ground black pepper.

Cooked short grain brown rice, defrosted frozen blueberries, coconut sugar, cinnamon, unsweetened almond milk. Warmed up.

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What I Ate Wednesday #136 – Vegan In Victoria
What I Ate Wednesday #130
What I Ate Wednesday #121

What I Ate Wednesday #136: Vegan In Victoria

I’ve got something a little different for this week’s What I Ate Wednesday post: I’m going to share with you all the awesome vegan eats from my trip to Victoria last week. And their really was A LOT!

Victoria is not far from where I live (just a ferry-ride away), very pedestrian friendly (I don’t drive so this is important), I hadn’t been since a school trip to the Parliament Buildings in like Grade 5, and I’d been hearing rumours of lots of great vegan food. So when I was trying to think of somewhere to go for a quick last-minute getaway before school starts, Victoria was on the top of my list.

I did some research before I went and made a list to take with me of all the vegan and vegan-friendly places in the downtown area that I was interested in. I was surprised at how big the list got, and was even more surprised when I discovered a few more places in my exploring of the city!

I found these sites very helpful in my research:
The Victoria Vegan: Vegan News and Resources
Vegan Mischief’s A Vegan Traveler’s Guide to Victoria
Sarah’s Guide to Downtown Victoria
The Real Meal’s Vegan Food in Victoria, BC

Now on to the food! I’ll just say here, so I don’t repeat myself a zillion times in the following descriptions, that everything I ate ranged from great to amazing and I would eat it all again, no problem. 🙂

I was starving when I arrived, so I headed straight to Green Cuisine after checking in to my accommodations. Green Cuisine is a buffet, so I knew I wouldn’t have to wait long to eat. It is also 100% vegan and has lots of different options. Almost everything is paid for by weight, except for some items such as soup, bread, and desserts that are priced per each. Results of walking straight into line without looking at what was available first: a meal of things that don’t go together but all taste great: Thai noodles in sweet chili sauce, shredded carrots, cucumbers, steamed kale with sweet chill sauce I took from a tofu dish, tempeh in brown sauce, falafel, and lemon cheezecake. The standout here was that lemon cheezecake. It was so light and creamy and lemony!

Dinner was the Carmanah Bowl from Cafe Bliss, an almost 100% raw (a few cooked things) vegan (except for honey used in multiple items) restaurant and juice bar that is pretty much the cutest place ever. Cooked brown rice, steamed broccoli, raw chard, cabbage, carrots, red pepper, avocado, sugar peas and red onion in a sesame garlic sauce and topped with sesame seeds and dulse flakes, plus a multi-seed cracker. I’ll just say that the combination of warm chewy brown rice and cool seasoned veggies was blissful! 🙂 I didn’t take photos, but on a different day we also tried the Hummingbird Juice (orange, watermelon, raspberry, lime) and the Protein Berry Burst Smoothie (banana, blueberry, rice protein, hemp hearts, acai, mylk). I thought it was pretty cool that if you get any of their smoothies or juices to go, you get it in a mason jar. You have to pay a deposit for the mason jar which you get back if you bring it back to the cafe. Or you can just keep them like I did.

Breakfast from the downtown location of Shine Cafe, a bright little place with quick friendly service, that suited the name just fine. I stumbled upon this place because it was one block from where I was staying. This is the only marked vegan breakfast: it’s called Karin’s Brunch and you get to pick four items out of nine options. I choose the hashbrowns, multigrain toast, homemade bean and rice patty, and sauteed spinach,  mushrooms, and roasted garlic. Also included in your options are pecan cranberry granola with soy milk, sweet chill sesame tofu, refried beans, grilled tomato, and a fresh fruit salad. Whichever options you choose, its a tonne of food for the price tag! Perfect way to start a full day of exploring. I don’t normally have such big breakfasts, but as you’ll see, Victoria has lots of fantastic vegan breakfast/brunch options, so I had to try some out. Shine Cafe also has a vegan burger patty, a hearty vegan salad, and a few other items on the menu that could easily be veganized by removing cheese and/or mayo.

The Creamy Almond Veggie Sandwich from the Hot & Cold Cafe (Cook Street location). This was an amazing and amazingly messy sandwich! Creamy almond spread, grainy Dijon mustard, cucumber, tomato, red onion, alfalfa sprouts, avocado, pea shoots, and red pepper on super soft house-made organic focaccia bread. This little cafe also had other marked vegan items on the menu, including a Red Curry Tofu Rice Bowl, Yellow Coconut Curry Soup, salads, and fresh-fruit popsicles.

Almond milk latte and a fruit/seed/coconut ball (I can’t remember what they called it but it was tasty) from Solstice Cafe. Honestly, I would have preferred the latte to taste more like coffee and less like almond milk, but I’d still go here again. The place is huge and beautiful; definitely the kind of coffee shop you’d want to hang out in for hours. I was here in the early morning, but they have more vegan light meal and snack options later in the day.

Brunch at Mo:Lé for me was tofu scramble, avocado, and pesto hash browns from the list of separate items. So good! That tofu scramble looks plain but it had great flavour and I’m still swooning over those pesto hash browns. Love this place!

Jem’s vegetarian brunch was the Mo:Lé Benny with avocado and grilled tomato.

A soy latte and a vegetable samosa from the BC Royal Museum Cafe. I was surprised how great both of these were! And I was happy to notice the soy milk was even organic!

Personal pizza from The Joint, with vegan sundried tomato pesto, artichoke hearts, spinach, black olives, jalapenos, and Daiya mozza shreds. The pizzas were amazing, but the place was so warm that we couldn’t stand to stay and eat there. Like it felt like walking into a pizza oven warm. So we sat and watched the lights in the inner harbour as we scarfed down our pizzas. Oh well. 🙂 The Joint is very vegan (and gluten-free friendly). When we were there I was surprised to see that half of the flavours of pre-made cold pizza by the slice was vegan, and all of their made-to-order pizzas, calzones etc can be made vegan! Plus, they had vegan brownies!



Another amazing breakfast, this time from Lady Marmalade. This Organic Tofu Scramble had scallions, spinach, bok choy, and shitake mushrooms, in a sesame soy sauce. Plus toast, potatoes and salad (or you can choose barley or brown rice). This was the only vegan breakfast option but it was packed with delicious flavour! Love seeing a different spin on a tofu scramble!

This was dinner (and lunch the next day) from Lotus Pond, a 100% vegan Chinese restaurant. The place was packed, with a line out the door and its easy to see why. There are a ridiculous number of dishes and they all sound great. It was so hard to choose what to get, but we finally narrowed it down to three. This was some of the best Chinese food I’ve ever had, and my sister Jem (who isn’t vegetarian or vegan) commented that it was better than most Chinese food she’d ever had!
#47 Diced vegetables and mushrooms with cashew nuts. It also had some sort of faux-meat in there that tasted good, but we weren’t huge fans of the texture.

#56 MaPo Tofu (soft tofu in spicy sauce)

#80 Shredded vegetable and bean sprouts chow fun.


Evening almond milk lattes from Wild Coffee, and a shared vegan gluten-free cinnamon roll. At least half of the treats and stuff in the showcase was gluten-free, and this was the sole vegan option. But it was a great treat!

Last but not least, another Karina’s Brunch from Shine Cafe. This time I choose fruit instead of toast. Just as good as the first time.

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My Birthday Part 2: Wild Rice

What I Ate Wednesday #134

You know the drill by now. What I Ate Wednesday #134. Random vegan meals. Enjoy!

Hummus & Veg Sandwich – Toasted Silver Hills bread with roasted red pepper hummus, cucumber, spinach, and lots of black pepper.
Coleslaw (cabbage, Vega Antioxidant Oil, red wine vinegar, black pepper, Dijon mustard) with a falafel burger, red pepper hummus, and cucumber.

Yogurt Bowl – So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Yogurt with blueberries, hemp hearts, chia seeds, and raw cacao nibs.
Spinach Burger (from Veggie Burgers Every Which Way) on toasted Silver Hills bread with roasted red pepper hummus, Sriracha, and coleslaw (same as above).

Chickpea Wrap – Chickpeas mashed with balsamic vinegar, italian seasoning, and black pepper, with Daiya Jack Wedge, and cucumbers.
Brown Rice Fruit Salad – Cooked brown basmati rice, sucanat, vanilla extract, cinnamon, blueberries, peach, and hemp hearts.

Potatoes & Salad – Roasted yellow flesh potatoes (olive oil, Greek seasoning, and paprika). Salad is romaine lettuce, cucumber, orange pepper, pickled jalapeños, red grapes, and balsamic dressing.
Brown Rice Fruit Salad 2 – Cooked brown basmati rice, cinnamon, sucanat, pineapple, blueberries, and hemp hearts.

Chick’n Strips & Salad – Gardein Chipotle Lime Crispy Fingers, my Easy Hot & Sour Refrigerator Pickles, and salad (romaine, red pepper, avocado, lime juice, Vega Antioxidant Oil).
Red grapes, blueberries, hemp hearts. Half of a Raspberry Lime Mini-loaf (based on this recipe).

Chickpea Flour Omelette – with yellow pepper, green pepper, spinach, pickled jalapeños, and Daiya Cheddar Wedge.

Like what you see? You may also enjoy What I Ate Wednesday #128, #129, or #130.

What I Ate Wednesday #130

It’s time for What I Ate Wednesday #130! Its a very green one this time and I’ve finally worked my way through the backlog of random meals I had photographed and not shared! Enjoy!

Pizza – Whole wheat pita bread, lemon dill hummus, spinach, sliced Field Roast Italian Sausage, yellow and green pepper, and Daiya Pepperjack shreds.
Bagelwich – A toasted Silver Hills Squirelly Bagel with spicy chilli pepper hummus, cucumber, and romaine.

Mint Chocolate Chip Vega Smoothie – We followed the recipe, except used greens cubes in place of the spinach and the ice. I love the idea of using peppermint tea to make minty smoothies! I could have done without the chocolate chunks, as most of them sank to the bottom, and chocolate doesn’t have much flavour when its so cold anyway, but this was a great healthy treat!
Field Roast Frankfurter – On a whole wheat bun with Vegenaise, spicy chili pepper hummus, and romaine. With dill pickles.

Salad – Romaine lettuce, black olives, pickled jalapeño peppers, sliced almonds, cucumber, avocado, lime juice, Vega Antioxidant Oil.
Frankfurter Wrap – Avocado, chilli pepper hummus, Field Roast Frankfurter, Hot & Sour Refrigerator Pickles, and romaine lettuce on a whole wheat wrap.

Falafel Salad – Green leaf lettuce, broccoli sprouts (grown with the help of my handy Sprouts app), red pepper, cucumber, balsamic vinaigrette, baked Casbah Falafel, and  Sriracha.
Mediterranean Chickpea Burger, with spicy chilli pepper hummus, romaine lettuce, and cucumber.

Salad – Green leaf lettuce, broccoli sprouts, black olives, avocado, red pepper, carrot and cucumber Hot & Sour Refrigerator Pickles, balsamic vinaigrette, and black pepper. Toasted Silver Hills bread with red pepper hummus.
Basic Chickpea Taco Bowl – red quinoa, lime juice, taco spiced chickpeas, and avocado.

Trail Mix – A mix of a bunch of nuts, seeds, and stuff I have in my cupboards. I kept this in my locker at work for a couple of weeks for quick nibbles. I always have stuff like this in my cupboards, mostly for baking, so I never buy trail mix, just make my own little mixes that are always different. Almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried currants, raisins, peanuts, and raw cacao nibs.
Taco Chickpea Bowl Take 2 – With cabbage and Daiya Jack Wedge added this time.

Pasta – Whole wheat penne with spinach, artichoke hearts, bell peppers, grape tomatoes, olive oil, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, chill flakes, and italian seasoning. Garlic bread is french bread spread with Earth Balance and minced garlic, then browned in a pan.
Crazy Saute – Barley, sprouted red lentils, parsley, cooked yam, red pepper, and zucchini, all sautéed in a pan with Bragg’s and Sriracha.

What I Ate Wednesday #129

It’s been quite a while since I’ve done a WIAW post actually chronicling my eats over the course of an entire day, but I got smart and took (some) photos yesterday. Here’s what I ate yesterday!

Good thing I had a pretty good supply of leftovers in the fridge, because as a result of recovering from some very recent dental work, not only was I in pain all day (and trying not to move around too much and make the pain worse), super tired, and not up for doing any actual cooking, I was also starving ALL DAY! Fun, fun

2 pieces Silver Hills Little Big Bread, toasted with Crofter’s Superfruit Spread and Daiya Jack Wedge. Organic red grapes. Coffee with unsweetened almond milk.

An un-pictured home-made Tropical Creamsicle.

A whole wheat wrap with 1/2 an avocado, chickpeas mashed (with balsamic vinegar, italian seasoning, and black pepper), romaine lettuce, and Sriracha.

Dinner #1
Jem and I were heading to a bridal show (first one!) at 4pm where I knew I wouldn’t be able to eat anything so I had a really early dinner right before we left.
Quinoa, falafel burger patty, cucumber, Sriracha, and lemon tahini sauce (just tahini, lemon juice, and water).

Dinner #2
I normally try to only have bread once a day, but I was really hungry again when we got home from the bridal show, and this was the quickest and easiest thing I could think of.
2 pieces of Silver Hills Little Big Bread, toasted with almond butter, Crofter’s Superfruit Spread, and 1/2 an apple.

Cinnamon Heart tea with unsweetened almond milk and a couple squares of Green & Black’s 70% Dark Chocolate.

I also drank a tonne of water and cold herbal iced tea throughout the day!

You can check out everyone else’s What I Ate Wednesday #129 eats here.

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What I Ate Wednesday #128
What I Ate Wednesday #121
What I Ate Wednesday #119

Baked Mediterranean Chickpea Burgers

Let me just start off by saying that these Baked Mediterranean Chickpea Burgers are my new favourite veggie burgers! I’ve been trying a lot of different recipes lately for vegan burgers, as I really like having some in the freezer for quick meals, and I’m trying not to buy any processed ones full of junk (even though they taste really good). These are absolutely the best ones so far. My sister Jem and her fiancé (both omnivores) have also just finished a batch! We all love that these burgers aren’t trying to taste like meat, they just have a really awesome flavour of their own.


On a whole wheat bun with roasted garlic hummus, romaine lettuce, and Sriracha.

They are also very simple to make. You basically just mix everything in a bowl, make patties, and bake them. No pre-cooking of individual ingredients or food processor required.


On a whole wheat wrap with melted Daiya Jalapeno Garlic Wedge, red pepper hummus, green leaf lettuce, and cucumber.

I should also mention that this recipe is based on The Post Punk Kitchen’s recipe for Double Batch Chickpea Cutlets, which are really great as is. A version of the Chickpea Cutlets also appears in Veganomicon.


Cut up in a salad, with romaine lettuce, cucumber, red pepper, black pepper, and balsamic vinaigrette.

And now, if those photos made you hungry for some Baked Mediterranean Chickpea Burgers (they sure did for me), here’s the recipe. Go make some burgers!

Baked Mediterranean Chickpea Burgers (Yields 8 Large Patties)
¼ cup sun-dried tomatoes, roughly chopped
¼ cup hot water
1 16oz can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
1 cup breadcrumbs
¼ cup ground flax seeds
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp italian seasoning
1 tsp paprika
¼ cup black olives, roughly chopped
1 cup vital wheat gluten
1 cup water or vegetable broth
¼ cup soy sauce

– I buy sun-dried tomatoes in a dry package. Obviously if you have oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes you won’t need to rehydrate them
– Instead of mashing the chickpeas and olive oil in a bowl, you can choose to pulse them in a food processor. I prefer not to dirty the food processor just for this. Just don’t process them for too long, otherwise you’ll end up with hummus.

– For some extra flavour, you can include the water you soaked the tomatoes in, in the 1 cup of water or vegetable broth.
– If you’re not sure what the ‘strings of gluten’ should look like, this photo should help. 

Place the chopped up sun-dried tomatoes in a small bowl with the hot water and set aside for at least 10 minutes before using them.
Place the chickpeas and olive oil in a large bowl and mash with a fork or masher just until there are no whole chickpeas left.
Add all of the other ingredients into the bowl with the mashed chickpeas, including the now rehydrated sun-dried tomatoes. Knead everything together for about 3 minutes, or until strings of gluten appear.
Separate the dough into 4 equal(ish) pieces, then divide each piece into 2. You should now have 8 pieces. Shape each piece into a patty. This can easily be done by rolling it into a ball, then flattening and shaping it into a disc between your hands. They should be roughly half an inch thick.
Place the patties on a lightly greased baking sheet and bake at 375°F for 20 minutes. Remove from oven, flip, and bake for another 8-10 minutes.




Enjoy these Mediterranean Chickpea Burgers right away, or let cool and freeze them for later. I usually make veggie burgers specifically for the freezer, because they are awesome for making quick filling meals. The patties can be reheated any way you choose: in a microwave, in a pan, or on the barbecue.

I’ve shared this post with Allergy-Free Wednesdays Week 67, Healthy Vegan Friday #43, and Wellness Weekends.

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