Guest Post: How Does Being Vegan Keep You Looking Young?

I’ve got something a little different for you today. Well actually, Alicia does. She’s written an article just for you.

Alicia is a freelance writer for 12 Palms Rehab. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, cooking healthy meals, and blogging about health, tech and communication. Her work has been published by Her Fitness Hut,, and Ask Miss A. She blogs over at MarCom Land.

I’ll be back next week for the start of Vegan MoFo 2013! I’m also starting my Natural Nutrition program next week, so I’m not sure how much time I’ll have to devote to Vegan MoFo, but I’m going to try. I didn’t prepare at all last year and was surprised when I actually made it to 20 posts. This year, rather than trying to create and post 20 new recipes, I’m going to focus on posting reviews & photos for other peoples’ recipes I’ve tried and enjoyed. Anyone else participating in Vegan MoFo this year?

Happy reading!

How Does Being Vegan Keep You Looking Young?

Celebrities like Jared Leto, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Portia de Rossi have sworn that their ageless appearance has not been caused by botox or surgery, but is instead the result of a vegan diet. While it’s pretty clear that some of Hollywood’s elite are lying through their laser-whitened teeth, they are not wrong in their claims that being vegan enhances a youthful face.

In proof, the aging process hasn’t solely stopped for celebrities. Regular ole’ people have proven that a vegan lifestyle can do just as much for your wrinkles and health as the fanciest doctor in Los Angeles. Just last year, the Daily Mail shed light on a 70-year old woman from Florida who appears at least 20 years younger than her stated age, after having switch to a vegetarian lifestyle in the 50s and finally turning to a pure, raw vegan diet 27 years ago. Her husband, who has not followed in her nuts, veggies, seeds and fruits path, looks every bit his 70+ years and struggles with diabetes and high blood pressure. His wife, you might note, does not even take the occasional aspirin.

So what is it about a vegan diet that really leads to that undamaged appearance? Let’s consider the most obvious benefit to veganism; namely, weight loss. After all, a 220-pound 28-year old woman looks a lot older than a 130-pound lady of the same age. The diet’s obvious caloric deficit and nutrient rich benefits often lead to a loss of excess weight.

The other major contribution to vegans’ physical appearance is glowing, blemish-free skin. This particular diet’s emphasis on nuts, fruits and vegetables leads to an abundant increase in Vitamin A and E intake, which naturally improves skin health. Not only does this make vegans’ skin appear baby-smooth, but it diminishes wrinkles and tends to cease any future acne breakouts. Nothing screams youthful beauty like a soft, wrinkle-free face! Plus, a study showed that people eating a plant-based diet often feel better rested due to increased sleep quality; perhaps the lack of circles under your eyes are also contributing to that baby-face appearance.

As if weight loss and good skin weren’t giving those vegan eaters enough of a head start on aging backwards, plant-based diets have also proven to increase hair and nail strength, growth and appearance.

But the benefits don’t just stop at looking good. Vegans also tend to live longer! That’s right, people eating vegan are at a drastically diminished risk for ailments common to the aging populations. The natural increase in fruits, vegetables and healthy grains eaten on a vegan diet lead to a much lower intake of saturated fats and cholesterol, and higher consumption of complex carbohydrates, dietary fibre and minerals; these changes are what give vegans lesser risk for obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, hypertension and diverticulosis.

Naturally, a lack of these illnesses combined with the natural increase in energy caused by this diet guides vegans to continue engaging in the exercises of their youthful years, such as dancing, hiking, or cycling. And it should not be news to anyone that the more actively you live life, the younger you appear!

So clearly, whatever bacon topped, deep-fried cheese snack vegans are missing out on, they are more than making up for it by not only looking twice as young as everyone else their age, but living longer while they do it!

The Top 5 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water

Vegan MoFo 2012 Post #12

Let’s talk water. We all know how much we are supposed to drink; most sources say at least 8 cups. And most of us, myself included, probably don’t get enough.

While I’m probably still not drinking enough, I have been drinking a lot more water lately than I previously had been. This is thanks to three things: I can track my water intake along with my food & exercise on My Fitness Pal, I discovered I will drink a lot more water if I’m drinking it with a straw (so I now have a tumbler and straw devoted to water), and I’ve started adding lemon to my water.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I find water really boring. Yes, it quenches my thirst, but I’d much rather be drinking some iced herbal tea, non-dairy milk, or especially this time of year, any sort of hot drink.

Plus, I really don’t like the taste of water. Yes, if I’m super thirsty or the water is really cold I’ll chug it back and not even taste it. But to actually get anywhere near 8 glasses a day, water needs some help. Yes, filtering or boiling it does help, but what I’ve discovered really makes a huge difference for me, is adding just a little bit of lemon. With the addition of lemon, plain old boring water becomes something I actually want to drink!

And if you need some other reasons to drink lemon water, check out the following article recently posted on the Vega Blog about the Top Five (Health) Reasons to Drink Lemon Water.

Happy Friday everyone!

What I Ate Wednesday #85: Fall Into Good Habits

First of all, I love the above badge! Don’t get me wrong, I love summer but after a few weeks of sunshine and heat I am ready for fall. I can’t wait for clear cool weather, falling leaves, boots, and cozy layers!

Anyway, before I even knew the theme for this month’s What I Ate Wednesday, I was trying to jumpstart myself into making some changes. Its been a rough couple of months and despite the fact that I’ve definitely upped my fresh fruit intake, I haven’t been eating all that well and haven’t been exercising AT ALL. Especially in the month of July when I was spending most days at the hospital, meals were mostly whatever was quick and easy, and I was way too tired all the time to exercise any more than walking back and forth from the ICU a bazillion times. Combine that with the fact that I wasn’t working at all during July and August (which keeps me on my feet and lightly active) and it’s not difficult to see why I’ve gained a bit of weight over the summer.

About 2 1/2 years ago when I decided I really wanted to lose weight and get in better shape, what jump started me was getting a Wii Fit (a great way to get into exercising, as I never really exercised before) and using a food/fitness tracker (I used LoseIt on my iPod and computer). I still love my Wii Fit: it has a great variety (there are still exercises and levels I haven’t done), is fun, got me interested in yoga, and my workout is different every time if I want, but my use of it in the past year has been sporadic at best.

Anyway, because I know it worked for me last time, yesterday I downloaded and started using the diet and exercise journal from My Fitness Pal (its available online, for iPhone, IPod touch, Blackberry, Android, and Windows). It probably will be a big help that my sister Jem is also using My Fitness Pal to get back in shape after recently going through chemo and beating Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. 🙂 While I do want to lose some weight, I’m more interested in eating healthier and starting to exercise again on a regular basis. I find using the diet and exercise journal makes me a lot more aware of what I’m eating so I make better choices, and want to exercise so I can minus some calories (and eat more). Plus, If I log throughout the day I can see what nutrients I’m maybe lacking and make choices to fix that. Also, because I’ll be inputting most of my recipes into the journal already, I am going to start posting the nutritional information of my recipes.

Sorry, I really didn’t intend to write so much, but as you can probably tell, I’m getting a little excited about this!

Here’s what I ate yesterday:

Potato Vegetable Hash – leftover Greek roasted potatoes, white mushrooms, orange pepper, Cajun seasoning.
1 piece Silver Hills Mack’s Flax toast with red pepper hummus.
2 cups of coffee with unsweetened soy milk.

Chana curry, rice pulao, and vegetable pakora (leftovers from take-out).
Chilled chai tea with vanilla soy milk.

Southwest Quinoa Confetti Salad with 1/2 an avocado.

1 Mexican Hot Chocolate Snickerdoodle (I think I forgot to take photos, but it was basically Isa’s recipe, except I made a few changes which I will detail next time I make them).
Tropical peach smoothie & Tropical peach smoothie soft serve – 1 peach, 1/4 serving Natural Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer, 1/2 serving Tropical Vega Energizing Smoothie, 1 tsp chia seeds, 1/4 tsp pure orange extract, 3 coconut milk ice cubes, 1/4 cup frozen banana slices, and 1/2 cup vanilla soy milk. I drank 1/3 of this smoothie before a workout and put the rest in a small bowl in the freezer. I stirred it up and had it post-workout.
1/2 an apple.
2 slices off a Banana Bran Mini Loaf.
1 cup vanilla soy milk.

Plus, thanks to my beautiful tumbler and a little lemon juice I managed to drink 7 whole cups of water! Which may be a record for me, though I don’t usually keep track (one more thing My Fitness Pal helps me keep track of). I’m sure I never drink enough water. I realized I enjoy drinking water more if I add a small amount of lemon juice, and if its in an open cup (not a water bottle with a lid I have to take off), preferably with a straw!

And, a few other things I’ve eaten in the past week:

From top, left to right:
1) Baked Vegetable Spring Rolls with soy sauce & Sriracha.
2) Peach Blueberry Crumble
3) Roasted Greek Potatoes (red potatoes, lemon juice, olive oil, Epicure Greek Seasoning) & green salad (romaine, grated broccoli stalk, cucumber, crushed red pepper flakes, black pepper, olive oil balsamic vinegar, hemp hearts).
4) Mixed pasta with Kale Pesto & crumbled Spicy Lime Tofu Nuggets.
5) Smoked Tofu & Harvarti Sandwich on toasted Silver Hills Mack’s Flax bread with red pepper hummus, romaine lettuce, Daiya Jalapeno Garlic Havarti Wedge, and thinly sliced Soyganic Smoked Tofu lightly browned in a pan. Definitely not the healthiest sandwich ever, but super tasty!