Pumpkin Cornbread Waffles

I recently came up with these Pumpkin Cornbread Waffles, after a failed search for a pumpkin waffle recipe that suited my tastes, my pantry, and my love of whole grains. I stumbled upon a recipe for similar waffles, and was really disappointed to see that it used cornbread mix (which I’ve never bought and didn’t have). So, I adapted a tried and true waffle recipe from The Joy of Vegan Baking into these gems. I couldn’t have been happier with how these turned out!

title, pumpkin cornbread waffles

Pumpkin and warm spices is always a perfect match. What really makes these is the amazing texture (or ‘mouthfeel’ if you don’t dislike that word as much as I do) that the cornmeal gives!


Pumpkin Cornbread Waffles (Yields 6 small waffles, using ½ cup of batter each.)
3 tbsp ground flax seeds
½ cup warm water
1 ¼ cups whole wheat flour
½ cup cornmeal
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tbsp coconut sugar
1 ½ tsp pumpkin pie spice
½ cup pumpkin puree
1 cup unsweetened non-dairy milk
¼ cup coconut oil, melted

In a medium bowl, whisk the ground flax and water together.
In a large bowl stir together the flour, cornmeal, baking powder, sugar, and spice.
Add the pumpkin, milk, and coconut oil to the flax/water mixture and whisk to combine.
Pour the liquids into the dry ingredients and fold until just combined.
Cook in a waffle maker, according to its directions.
Top with maple syrup or your favourite toppings, and enjoy!

Collage, pumpkin cornbread waffles

collage, pumpkin cornbread waffles 2


I hope you enjoy my new favourite waffles as much as I am!

I’ve shared this post with Allergy-Free Wednesday #93, Healthy Vegan Friday #69, and Wellness Weekends (Nov14-18/2013).

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Blueberry Corn Pancakes, Apple Cinnamon Ginger Waffles, Chickpea Flour Omelette

Veganomicon: Blueberry Corn Pancakes


Vegan Mofo 2013 Post #10 – It only took 17 days, but I’m finally halfway there! Looks like I may just make it to 20 posts!


I’ve never been a huge fan of pancakes, but recently this recipe in Veganomicon for Blueberry Corn Pancakes caught my eye when I was looking for something a little different to make for breakfast one morning. Isn’t it great that 2 years later and I’m still always discovering new things in Veganomicon?! I’m in love with a recipe for Blueberry Corn Muffins from The Joy of Vegan Baking, so I knew the flavour combination was a winner.


I loved these pancakes and will be making them again! The combination of blueberries, lemon, and cornmeal gives these a great natural sweetness and the cornmeal makes for an awesome texture. Just as it says in the book, they have a “little crunch and a wonderful mouthfeel”. These just feel like a perfect summer pancake. Light, bright, fruity, with just a touch of lemon.

P.S. – I think I’m starting to realize that I actually do like pancakes when they are thin, I just really dislike big fluffy doughy ones.


I did make a few minor substitutions like I do:
– I used 1/2 cup whole wheat flour and 1/4 cup chickpea flour in place of the all purpose flour. The batter also ended up really runny, so I ended up adding another 1/4 cup whole wheat flour.
– Most of the recipes in Veganomicon call for a specific type of nondairy milk. This one called for soy, but I used unsweetened almond milk.
– I replaced the canola oil with melted coconut oil.


I think the only thing I would change next time is to drop the blueberries into the individual pancakes, instead of mixing them with the batter. The batter is quite runny (which makes for nice thin pancakes), so the blueberries just end up on the bottom and it was difficult to try and get a good amount in each pancake.



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IMG_2768Vegan Scrambled ‘Eggs’

IMG_1807Smoked Tofu Benedict with Mushrooms and Arugula

IMG_1309Blueberry Blackberry Chia Jam

Vegan Scrambled ‘Eggs’? Yes!


Vegan MoFo 2013 – Post #4 – I’m a little behind already!


You may have read or seen me mention this amazing Chickpea Flour Omelette! It has quickly become one of my most repeated recipes. Does it taste like eggs? Not really (though the black salt helps), but it is still the best replacement I’ve found for the veggie-filled omelettes I often enjoyed before I went vegan.

So, I knew as soon as I saw this recipe for chickpea flour-based Vegan Scrambled ‘Eggs’ that I had to give them a try!



I don’t like scallions and I didn’t have any kale, so I left those out. In place, I doubled the mushrooms, and added diced red pepper, jalapeño, and parsley.




Mine certainly didn’t turn out as pretty as Lauren’s, but they sure were tasty! It’s been over two years now since I’ve had scrambled eggs, but I think the texture of this dish is quite similar.

This is definitely going in my savoury breakfast rotation, and I’m looking forward to many more variations! In fact, I think I’m going to go make this for lunch!

Smoked Tofu Benedict with Mushrooms and Arugula

Last month I posted about the Frosted Blueberry Cake I made for my sisters’ birthday. What I didn’t mention, is that I also made a birthday breakfast for my sister Jem, her fiancé Dan, and myself, as it somehow turned out that we all had the morning off work. Jem loves eggs benedict and will happily eat tofu, so I decided it would be the perfect occasion to try out some vegan ‘eggs’ benedict. I’ve never liked hollandaise sauce, but I had Colleen Patrick-Goudreau’s recipe for Hollandaise Sauce (from The Vegan Table) on hand for just such an occasion.


Our Smoked Tofu Benedict consisted of whole wheat english muffins, arugula, sautéed mushrooms, sautéed slices of Soyganic Smoked Tofu, and Hollandaise Sauce. Dan doesn’t like mushrooms, so had his without.


Smoked Tofu Benedict with Mushrooms and Arugula
Whole wheat english muffins
Baby arugula
Cremini (or white) mushrooms
Fresh ground black pepper
Smoked tofu (We love Soyganic)
Braggs Liquid Aminos
Hollandaise Sauce

First, slice mushrooms and tofu. I cut the block of tofu in half across the widest side, then cut each piece into 4 slices.
Cut english muffins in half.
Set out all of the ingredients for the hollandaise sauce and set oven to warm (just enough ensure everything stays warm until you are ready to serve).
Make hollandaise sauce and keep covered on the stove at the lowest heat, or place pot in oven to keep warm.
Heat two pans over medium heat. Place mushrooms and a splash of water in one pan and the tofu slices in the other.
If you need to do more than one round of english muffins in the toaster, start now. Place toasted ones on a plate in the oven, until the mushrooms and tofu are done.
Cook mushrooms, stirring occasionally, until tender. Add fresh ground black pepper if desired.
Cook the tofu slices just a few minutes on each side, until warmed and a little browned. Turn off heat, add a splash of Braggs Liquid Aminos, and move slices around in it.
Assemble your Tofu Benedict, according to the photos below, making sure to stir the hollandaise well before serving.





I was super pleased that this breakfast turned out exactly as I’d hoped and I would absolutely make it again. We all thoroughly enjoyed it! The flavours of the smoked tofu, peppery arugula, earthy mushrooms, and hollandaise complemented each other quite well.


I was also really surprised by how much I like the Hollandaise Sauce. I’m not sure how it compares to non-vegan hollandaise, as I don’t remember what that tastes like, but it was really delicious. I used unsweetened almond milk, and Soy-Free Earth Balance in the recipe.


This was definitely not the healthiest breakfast, but compared to a standard eggs benedict, WAY better! Not something I’d make all the time but perfect for a weekend brunch or special occasion. Also, pretty easy to make gluten free: just use gluten free bread or bun in place of the english muffin and ensure your smoked tofu is gluten free.

Sidenote: You may have noticed Jem’s name popping up a lot in the past few months, and its because as of January, we are now living in the same house again. It’s so nice to have someone around that’s willing to eat my vegan food and join me in my cooking and baking adventures, so I’ve been taking full advantage. 🙂

I’ve shared this with Healthy Vegan Friday #44 and Slightly Indulgent Tuesday (6/11/13).

Have you made a memorable vegan meal for a special occasion?

Have you tried any vegan benedict recipes?

Apple Fig Oatmeal


Vegan MoFo 2012 Post #8

Do you love fall? I do! I’ve been loving the cooler weather we’ve had in the past couple of weeks. I have no problem saying goodbye to my flip-flops and have been starting to get cozy in boots, sweaters, jackets, and scarves (not all at once yet, but soon). I’ve also noticed that in the past few weeks I cannot get enough hot tea and oatmeal! You can expect quite a few oatmeal and porridge recipes coming up.

Let’s start with this Apple Fig Oatmeal. This oatmeal is very simple compared to my usual kind of porridge. I admit, when it comes to porridge and granola I have a tendency to stuff as much good stuff in it as I possibly can.

This oatmeal is a direct result of me buying dried figs for the very first time. Believe it or not, up until one month ago, I had never tried a fig before. Not a dried one or a fresh one. Fig Newton’s don’t count right? No, I didn’t think so.

Apple Fig Oatmeal (Yields 4 Cups)
2 1/2 cups water
1 1/2 cups rolled oats (not quick oats)
1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce
2 tbsp chia seeds
5 dried figs, chopped
1/2 large apple, chopped
2 tbsp coconut sugar (Sucanat or brown sugar would also work)

Bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low and stir in all ingredient. Cook, stirring often until water is absorbed and oats are cooked. Enjoy!

As always, this makes enough for several servings. I like to make one pot of oatmeal and enjoy it for breakfast for a few days. Especially on dark fall/winter mornings when it’s difficult to wake up, it’s nice knowing a hot hearty breakfast is only one minute away.

This recipe has been submitted to Healthy Vegan Friday #12. You can check out the other submissions here.

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Chocolate Almond Porridge, Peach Blueberry Crisp, Peanut Butter Porridge

Chocolate and Peanut Butter for Breakfast!

One thing I love about eating a mostly unprocessed vegan diet is that it is possible to have things like Peanut Butter Porridge sprinkled with chocolate (ok, it was carob powder, but it tastes chocolate-like) for breakfast and not feel guilty about it at all.

There is almost nothing better than the combination of peanut butter and chocolate (and I don’t mean in such things as Reese’s, where the tiny bit of actual peanut and chocolate flavour is completely covered up by tonnes of sugar, hydrogenated oil, dairy, and preservatives) and this porridge is not an exception. I really like oatmeal and I love peanut butter, and other nut butters, but this is actually the first time I’ve put them together! I call it porridge because I like alliteration, and I added some other grains and seeds, to pack in as much nutrition as I could. This is only slightly sweet, so if you prefer your porridge sweet, you might want to add some more sucanat or other sweetener.

Peanut Butter Porridge (2-3 servings)
1 cup oats (not quick oats)
2 cups water
1 tbsp wheat bran
1 tbsp cornmeal
1 tbsp ground flax
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp hemp hearts
2 tbsp sucanat
1/4 cup natural peanut butter (the only ingredient is peanuts)
1/4 cup chopped dates*
non-dairy milk of your choice
carob or cocoa powder
*This porridge cooks quickly so if you are using pre-chopped dried dates you might need to soak them in some warm water for about 10 minutes before adding them to the porridge (you can also use the soaking water), otherwise they will not have softened yet. I chopped up some softer (where I buy them they are called pitted snacking dates) dates for my porridge.

Soak dates if necessary. Put all ingredients except peanut butter in a medium-sized pot. Cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the water is mostly absorbed and the oats are cooked. Stir in the peanut butter. Spoon some porridge into a bowl and sprinkle with 1/2-1 tsp of carob powder (or cocoa if you prefer). I like mine with some non-dairy milk poured over. Enjoy!

What is your favourite addition to oatmeal/porridge?
Mine is dates. I love the natural sweetness they give! My go-to oatmeal includes lots of chopped apple, dates, cinnamon, and almonds.

Do you have a favourite vegan breakfast food?
Breakfast for me changes all the time, it usually just depends what I have in the house, how much time I have, and what I feel like. I am definitely not someone who has the same breakfast every day of the week. I tend to switch between toast and fruit, oatmeal, granola, waffles, smoothies, tofu scramble, and potato-based vegetable hash.