Classic Sesame Sauce, Take Two



Vegan MoFo 2013 – Post #7

Wondering what happened to the leftover Classic Sesame Sauce from the other day?

This did.

IMG_3664And it was amazing! Maybe even better than the sesame noodle dish the night before. Jem and I were raving about it all evening!

IMG_3658Quinoa. Roasted yams. Sautéed kale, with just a bit of rice wine vinegar. Classic sesame sauce. Sriracha. Yum!



Can you tell I’m ready for fall?




Also, the next day for lunch I turned all the leftovers into a big salad.



Romaine lettuce, cucumber, and orange pepper. Warmed leftover quinoa, roasted yams, and kale. Sesame sauce thinned with a bit of water. More yums!

Vegan Eats World: Classic Sesame Noodles


Vegan MoFo 2013 – Post #5

Last night I finally made my first recipe from Vegan Eats World! Kind of. Jem and I used the sauce for the Classic Sesame Noodles (page 137), but swapped the marinated cucumbers and lettuce that are part of the dish, for some cooked snap peas, baby bok choy, and mushrooms.

The only minor changes I made to the sauce, were to use coconut sugar in place of the dark brown sugar, and ground ginger in place of fresh.








We cooked some soba noodles according to the package, quickly sautéed them with  the veggies and a little sesame oil, then mixed in some sesame sauce. We also added some roasted sesame seeds and Sriracha to our bowls. So good! If there had been leftovers, I would happily eat the same thing again tonight. I’m such a sucker for a good Asian noodle dish! Luckily, there was quite a bit of sauce leftover (just no noodles or veggies). However, I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it. Stay tuned.

Have you tried any recipes from Vegan Eats World?
Please share.

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