One Small Vegan’s 1st Birthday & Big News!

Today marks the first birthday of this little blog One Small Vegan!

Unfortunately I wasn’t organized enough to plan anything special to mark the occasion, but  I wanted to write you a little post just to say “thank you”.


One year ago I decided to start this blog because I was growing more and more passionate about my (still pretty new) vegan lifestyle, and I felt like I needed an outlet to share all the amazing food I was eating and all the incredible things that I was learning. I really had no idea if anyone would be interested in what I wanted to share, and I was just as scared as I was excited.

Now, I am so glad that I made the decision to start One Small Vegan! Sometimes life has gotten in the way, and some days I don’t feel like creating recipes or writing posts, but with each new post or recipe I am still as excited (and getting a little less scared) as I was with the very first post. I am truly flattered by and grateful for every single page view, like, comment, and follow. I wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for all of you beautiful people!

I’m not quite sure what the future of One Small Vegan will look like but I know that I’m going to keep eating delicious plant-based food, living vegan, and sharing it with you. I can’t seem to keep up with all the ideas I have for the future! If you have any ideas of what you’d like to see more of on One Small Vegan, I’d love to hear them!

Now, didn’t I say something about Big News?

In just over 2 months I am going to be starting a one year Natural Nutrition Program at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition! You know that equal parts excited and scared thing? Exactly how I feel! For quite a few years now, I’ve been working at a job that I don’t really enjoy, but had no clue what I would rather be doing. I went to university for a couple of years, but couldn’t manage to narrow down a path I wanted to take, so I ended up stopping. As soon as I discovered what holistic nutrition is, I knew that it was perfect! I’m not sure what will be next, but I know that I am thrilled for the program to start so I can start learning about all my favourite things: food, health, and nutrition!

Also, I’ve been doing some research and discovered that there are a lot of vegan and vegetarian restaurants and shops in Kitsilano (and the surrounding area), where the school is located. It is an area of Vancouver that I’ve never really spent any time in so I’ll be taking full advantage of being in the area every week. I’m looking forward to doing some exploring and testing new places! And one of the two vegan bakeries in Vancouver, Edible Flours (the other is a cupcake shop) is right across the street from the school! Probably a very good and bad thing, but at least I’ll be able to support a vegan business while I get my tea, coffee, or snack fix.

In other news, my sister Jem and her fiancé Dan have finally set a date for their wedding! They’ve been engaged for over a year, and I am so happy for them that they are finally at a point where they could set a date! As I’ve known for awhile, I will be Jem’s Maid of Honour, and I can’t wait to help plan and participate in the wedding of their dreams!. We’ve all been through a lot in the past couple of years, and they definitely deserve a celebration!

Anyway, thats all for now. Back to working on my upcoming book page.

Have a lovely day!