Top 9 Posts of 2013

2013 has been a big year for One Small Vegan. And for me. It’s amazing to see things slowly building up for One Small Vegan and I probably wouldn’t be on my way to being a holistic nutritionist if it wasn’t for the blog!

This blog is continually a work in progress, and I don’t always have as much time to devote to it as I would like, but I am continually thankful for it. And for you! While One Small Vegan is my means of sharing my passion for healthy plant-based eating and living, it wouldn’t be nearly as fun or rewarding if it wasn’t for all of you wonderful readers. I’m hugely thankful for all of your support through 2013. YOU are the reason I’ve continued this blog, through some tough personal times and major changes, and plenty of times when I just didn’t feel like posting. I am truly grateful for each and every view, like, comment, pin, share, etc.


Anyway, I thought I’d share with you the Top 9 Posts on One Small Vegan from this past year. Some of these are favourites of mine as well!

Top 9 Posts 2013 title

  1. Basic No-Mayo Coleslaw
  2. Frozen Greens Cubes
  3. Baked Vegetable Spring Rolls
  4. Lemon Coconut Energy Bites
  5. Dark Chocolate S’mores Brownies
  6. Butternut Squash Black Bean Burritos
  7. Nacho Cheez White Bean Spread
  8. Blueberry Oatmeal Scones
  9. Easy Hot & Sour Refrigerator Pickles

That’s it for 2013. I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Years! For me, tonight will be a low-key one spent with my favourite little man, my 4-year-old nephew. Then tomorrow is a big family brunch.

See you in 2014!

Have you tried any of the Top 9 Recipes? Which would you like to try?

What are you doing for New Years?

Is there anything you’d like to see more of on One Small Vegan in 2014 (original recipes, recipe reviews, restaurant reviews, product reviews, beauty tips…)?

Orange Avocado Scones: MMAZ #28


MMAZ stands for Meatless Mondays from A-Z. This is a weekly link up hosted by Better With Veggies where everyone links up a recipe featuring the ingredient of the week (it begins with an ingredient starting with the letter A and works through the alphabet).  The first round of MMAZ finished a while ago, and I didn’t end up contributing as much as I’d planned on.

Now, Round 2 has started and I am super excited about the new changes. This time around, each ingredient will be around for 2 weeks. The first week is CREATE week, where we are encouraged to create and share a recipe using the featured ingredient, and the second is COOK week, where you can cook someone else’s recipe using the featured ingredient (maybe one from the Create week) and share your experience. I really think the new Cook week will help a lot more people, including myself to participate more often.

The first ingredient for MMAZ is Avocado. Sadly, I missed the Create link up and just missed the Cook link up, but I did try one of the recipes submitted and wanted to share it with you anyway. Hopefully I can get myself in gear for next week!

These Blood Orange Avocado Scones from Sprint 2 the Table looked delicious and the thought of baking with avocado (probably the only way I’ve never used it) was very intriguing so I decided to give them a try.




The only minor changes I made to the recipe, just based on what I had on hand, were to sub brown rice flour for half of the almond meal, and to use a regular orange in place of a blood orange.

This is the first time I’ve made gluten-free scones and I really enjoyed the texture and taste that the chickpea, almond, and brown rice flours give. The avocado really does make them “buttery” without affecting the taste at all and there is just enough orange flavour. I also really love the beautiful yellow colour of these scones. I’m pretty sure I will be making these again!



I’ve shared this post with Gluten Free Fridays #35.

PPK Ginger Chocolate Chunk Scones

Okay, I lied. I have something for you after all. Apparently giving myself permission not to post again until the new year (and maybe an unexpected day off from work) was all it took to get myself in the mood to post something.

Have you read Isa’s recipe for these Ginger Chocolate Chunk Scones yet? It’s hilarious! I know it’s a few years old, but I just rediscovered it and I wanted to share.

I just finished making these, in preparation of Christmas brunch with the family tomorrow, and I’m in love! They were very quick and easy to throw together and turned out fantastic! I think the ginger flavour could be a little stronger, but they do taste great as they are. Some crystallized ginger would be awesome!

Collage, Ginger Chocolate Scones

The only modification I made to Isa’s recipe was to use half whole wheat flour and half brown rice flour. I chose to use sucanat for the sugar and Enjoy Life Mega Chunks. And I’m a little sad I forgot to sprinkle them with sugar, because the large sucanat crystals would have looked so pretty.

I can’t wait to share these at brunch tomorrow. I think this just might become my go to scone recipe!


Also, you should watch this music video. I love She & Him, have always loved this song (in almost any incarnation), and this video makes me smile each time!

Merry Christmas!