Top 9 Posts of 2013

2013 has been a big year for One Small Vegan. And for me. It’s amazing to see things slowly building up for One Small Vegan and I probably wouldn’t be on my way to being a holistic nutritionist if it wasn’t for the blog!

This blog is continually a work in progress, and I don’t always have as much time to devote to it as I would like, but I am continually thankful for it. And for you! While One Small Vegan is my means of sharing my passion for healthy plant-based eating and living, it wouldn’t be nearly as fun or rewarding if it wasn’t for all of you wonderful readers. I’m hugely thankful for all of your support through 2013. YOU are the reason I’ve continued this blog, through some tough personal times and major changes, and plenty of times when I just didn’t feel like posting. I am truly grateful for each and every view, like, comment, pin, share, etc.


Anyway, I thought I’d share with you the Top 9 Posts on One Small Vegan from this past year. Some of these are favourites of mine as well!

Top 9 Posts 2013 title

  1. Basic No-Mayo Coleslaw
  2. Frozen Greens Cubes
  3. Baked Vegetable Spring Rolls
  4. Lemon Coconut Energy Bites
  5. Dark Chocolate S’mores Brownies
  6. Butternut Squash Black Bean Burritos
  7. Nacho Cheez White Bean Spread
  8. Blueberry Oatmeal Scones
  9. Easy Hot & Sour Refrigerator Pickles

That’s it for 2013. I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Years! For me, tonight will be a low-key one spent with my favourite little man, my 4-year-old nephew. Then tomorrow is a big family brunch.

See you in 2014!

Have you tried any of the Top 9 Recipes? Which would you like to try?

What are you doing for New Years?

Is there anything you’d like to see more of on One Small Vegan in 2014 (original recipes, recipe reviews, restaurant reviews, product reviews, beauty tips…)?

My Most Made Recipes



Vegan MoFo 2013 – Post #12

I don’t have a lot of time today for a post, as I should be spending the day studying for a test I have tomorrow, so I thought I’d just share with you some of the recipes I’ve posted about that I actually make repeatedly. The number is actually pretty small. There are just always so many new and interesting recipes to try that I find it difficult to repeat past ones, even when I really loved them. The ones that I do repeat are usually the ones that were really quick and easy, in addition to tasty.



I make these Chickpea Flour Omelettes all the time! They are quick, easy, very filling, and easily adaptable to whatever vegetables I have on hand. My favourite fillings include spinach, peppers, something spicy like pickled jalapeños or red pepper flakes, and a bit of Daiya Cheese.

And for a variation, I’ve made these Vegan Scrambled ‘Eggs’ a few times since I discovered them.





I’ve been making these Easy Hot & Sour Refrigerator Pickles on and off all summer long and they always disappear very quickly! I mostly just eat them as snacks.



It isn’t a recipe, but I am pretty much obsessed with falafel salads and wraps. (Seriously, search my blog for ‘falafel’ and you’ll see one pop up on almost every What I Ate Wednesday post.) I used to use Casbah Falafel mix, but now I’ve been using the Baked Falafel Burgers from Veggie Burgers Every Which Way. Staples in my falafel salads are cucumbers, peppers, either hummus or tahini sauce, and (lately) Sriracha.


These Wheat-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies from Veganomicon are a big hit with my family and I. I love the texture and taste from the oat flour and the recipe is really easy. The small batch means you won’t be taking cookies in and out of the oven for hours, and you won’t have too many leftovers to tempt you in the following days.


This Lower-Fat Chocolate Chip Banana Bread from Veganomicon has been repeated quite a few times in our household, and is a big hit with omnivores and vegan (just me) alike. You can also see it here, with the addition of raspberries!


This Basic No-Mayo Coleslaw is (in my humble opinion) crunchy, tangy, coleslaw perfection. I make this quite a lot, both for myself and as a contribution to family dinners. My mom and sister have also requested the recipe and made it a few times! 🙂 I find it seriously addictive, in a good way, and it never lasts long.


And last, but certainly not least is my Avocado Toast with Balsamic Vinegar. Sometimes the simplest things are the best. I make this all the time, at all times of day, and I always thoroughly enjoy it! Hearty crunchy whole grain bread (I prefer Silver Hills), rich creamy avocado, tangy balsamic vinegar and lemon juice, and a punch of spice from the black pepper! Yum yum yum. I think I know what I’m having for lunch today.

Easy Hot & Sour Refrigerator Pickles

Crunchy. Juicy. Sour. Sweet. Salty. Spicy. These Hot & Sour Refrigerator Pickles cover all the bases. I find these seriously addictive!


I made these the first time when I bought a bunch of smallish local cucumbers from the market and was looking for a way to make sure none would go to waste. No problem, thanks to these delicious pickles! I took a whole 1/2 cup container full of these with me to work every day for a week and those cucumbers disappeared pretty darn fast!



Hot & Sour Refrigerator Pickles
1/2 cup cold water
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp organic cane sugar or coconut sugar
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1 medium-large cucumber (or a couple small ones), sliced 1/4 inch thick

Place all ingredients except for the cucumbers into a medium-size jar or container (it must hold at least 2 cups). Stir together until the sugar is mostly dissolved. Alternatively, if your jar has a tight fitting lid, you can put the lid on and shake it to mix the ingredients.
Add cucumber slices to the jar. You can stuff as many as you can into the container, as long as they are all mostly submerged into the liquid.
Close the jar and place in the fridge. The pickles will taste great even after 1 hour, and will continue to develop flavour the longer you leave them. I’d tell you how long they will last in the fridge, but mine disappeared within a week.


As you enjoy your pickles, you can keep adding more cucumber slices to the jar! And feel free to experiment with different vegetables. I tried carrots and they were also very tasty!


These pickles pack a punch of flavour, so they are awesome on their own, but they are also a great addition to sandwiches, wraps, salads, and anywhere else you’d like a juicy spicy crunch!


I’ve shared this with Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays (8/13/13), Health Vegan Friday #56, Wellness Weekends (Aug15-19), and Raw Foods Thursday (8/15/13).