Raw Vegan High Tea at Indigo Food Cafe

Jem and I recently enjoyed a day of exploring in Vancouver (like being tourists close to home, for us Surryites) and decided to make raw vegan high tea at Indigo Food Cafe one of the stops along our way. I was very excited to discover the existence of vegan high tea somewhat close to home and I’ve been quite eager to try it.


Indigo Food Cafe is a cozy little place in Vancouver’s Kitsilano neighbourhood, owned by chef Lovena Galyide and her daughter Kat Galaida. It’s eclectic mix of decor, including antique-style sewing tables, brightly painted chairs, a 3D green lizard on the wall, and hanging framed photos of animals makes for a cute, casual, and charming atmosphere. I also loved that on a hot sunny day the front window provided enough light that the inside lights weren’t turned on, and the front entrance was kept open.


Our choice of organic fair-trade loose leaf tea, I had Green Rooibos and Jem chose Pear Sencha, came in cute little coloured personal tea-pots and our food came beautifully displayed on a 3-tier glass serving tray. It honestly looked so good all together, that I was cautious at first to eat anything and ruin the display, but of course I eventually dug in. The hardest part was deciding what to try first!

Our tray was filled with kale chips, stuffed buckwheat crepes, stuffed mushrooms, stuffed tomatoes, raw pizza, coconut yogurt with berries and raw granola, chocolate ganache, lemon-goji truffles, mini berries cheesecake, and mini coconut cream pies, one of each item for each of us. Jem and I took our time and savoured everything, but I think we were both pretty full about half-way through. All together, all those little bites added up to quite a lot of food!


Love those little tea pots and pretty dishes!


Excited for high tea!

We both thoroughly enjoyed everything that was included in our high tea! Jem’s favourite was the raw pizza, but she commented (pretty much the best compliment a raw/vegan cook/chef can get from an omnivore) that she “wasn’t aware that I was eating vegan or raw food, it was just really good food”.


Raw pizza bite.


Tomato stuffed with macadamia cheese, with marinated mushroom, and a sprout.

I really don’t think I could choose a favourite, though the raw pizza and the coconut yogurt bowl were definitely standouts. The pizza crust had awesome taste and texture, and was perfectly balanced by the zucchini, tomato, and garlicky cheese sauce on top. I also loved every little bite of the home-made coconut yogurt, full of fresh berries, and covered in crunchy raw granola, and wanted to keep on eating it when my little bowl was empty.


Enjoying a lemon-goji truffle.


From the top right: mini berries cheesecake, chocolate ganache, and mini coconut cream pie.

And let’s not forget about the desserts! They were all amazing! The chocolate ganache was rich, creamy, with intense chocolate flavour, just as great chocolate ganache should be. The lemon-goji truffles, had a bright refreshing lemon flavour and were perfectly chewy. The berry cheesecake was a little soft from the heat by the time I ate it, so it was more like rich berry pudding, but it was delicious. And last, but not least, the mini coconut cream pie was delightfully cool and creamy.

This was the first time that I’ve ever been to Indigo and I think the high tea was the perfect way to start, as you get a wide variety of both savoury and sweet bites, most of which are also available as larger versions on the regular menu. The menu is mostly raw and gluten free, with a few cooked dishes including perigees (both savoury and dessert ones) and cabbage rolls, obviously an ode to Galyide’s Ukrainian heritage. I would definitely go back for the high tea again, and would also love to try some other things on the menu.

Raw vegan High tea at Indigo Food Cafe is available through reservation only. The cost of $27 per person includes your choice of organic fair-trade loose leaf tea and a variety of both sweet and savoury bites, around ten different items per person. More information on high tea, as well as the complete menu, and info for raw food classes is available on the website.

I’d highly recommend checking out Indigo Food Cafe if you are in the Vancouver area.

Also, just a heads up that you can now find my restaurant reviews in the ‘Dining Out‘ page under the menu heading ‘Reviews’. I’ve also created a new Pinterest board called “Vegan in Vancouver” where I’ll be sharing photos of vegan food I eat out, as well as links to my reviews.

One Small Vegan’s 1st Birthday & Big News!

Today marks the first birthday of this little blog One Small Vegan!

Unfortunately I wasn’t organized enough to plan anything special to mark the occasion, but Ā I wanted to write you a little post just to say “thank you”.


One year ago I decided to start this blog because I was growing more and more passionate about my (still pretty new) vegan lifestyle, and I felt like I needed an outlet to share all the amazing food I was eating and all the incredible things that I was learning. I really had no idea if anyone would be interested in what I wanted to share, and I was just as scared as I was excited.

Now, I am so glad that I made the decision to start One Small Vegan! Sometimes life has gotten in the way, and some days I don’t feel like creating recipes or writing posts, but with each new post or recipe I am still as excited (and getting a little less scared) as I was with the very first post. I am truly flattered by and grateful for every single page view, like, comment, and follow. I wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for all of you beautiful people!

I’m not quite sure what the future of One Small Vegan will look like but I know that I’m going to keep eating delicious plant-based food, living vegan, and sharing it with you. I can’t seem to keep up with all the ideas I have for the future! If you have any ideas of what you’d like to see more of on One Small Vegan, I’d love to hear them!

Now, didn’t I say something about Big News?

In just over 2 months I am going to be starting a one year Natural Nutrition Program at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition! You know that equal parts excited and scared thing? Exactly how I feel! For quite a few years now, I’ve been working at a job that I don’t really enjoy, but had no clue what I would rather be doing. I went to university for a couple of years, but couldn’t manage to narrow down a path I wanted to take, so I ended up stopping. As soon as I discovered what holistic nutrition is, I knew that it was perfect! I’m not sure what will be next, but I know that I am thrilled for the program to start so I can start learning about all my favourite things: food, health, and nutrition!

Also, I’ve been doing some research and discovered that there are a lot of vegan and vegetarian restaurants and shops in Kitsilano (and the surrounding area), where the school is located. It is an area of Vancouver that I’ve never really spent any time in so I’ll be taking full advantage of being in the area every week. I’m looking forward to doing some exploring and testing new places! And one of the two vegan bakeries in Vancouver, Edible Flours (the other is a cupcake shop) is right across the street from the school! Probably a very good and bad thing, but at least I’ll be able to support a vegan business while I get my tea, coffee, or snack fix.

In other news, my sister Jem and her fiancĆ© Dan have finally set a date for their wedding! They’ve been engaged for over a year, and I am so happy for them that they are finally at a point where they could set a date! As I’ve known for awhile, I will be Jem’s Maid of Honour, and I can’t wait to help plan and participate in the wedding of their dreams!. We’ve all been through a lot in the past couple of years, and they definitely deserve a celebration!

Anyway, thats all for now. Back to working on my upcoming book page.

Have a lovely day!