Holiday Hello

I hope everyone is having a lovely holiday season!

I just realized that I haven’t posted anything for over two weeks! So sorry for disappearing again! To be completely honest, December has been a very difficult month for me and as much as I have been looking forward to some aspects of Christmas, I’ll also be relieved when it’s over. This will be my family’s first Christmas without my dad and missing him has made everything else about this holiday time seem quite overwhelming. Throw in a full work load, a kitchen that seems to be falling apart (problems with both my sink and my stove this month), and a (slightly over ambitious) list of homemade gifts to make, and it’s not hard to see why I haven’t been able to focus my time on any new posts.

I have lots of ideas about things to post for the holidays, but I guess I won’t be getting to any of them this year.

I do want to extend a huge thank you to both Raechel of Rebel Grrl Kitchen and Meshell of Meshell In Your City for nominating me for some awards (The Liebster Award and the Sunshine Award, respectively). I truly do appreciate nominations but I won’t be passing it on at this time. Just the thought of meeting all the expectations (writing random facts, answering questions, making questions, and finding blogs to nominate that haven’t already been recently nominated) feels like way too much for me right now.

I participated in the vegan food swap again this month, so I should have that post for you around the end of the month. Other than that I can’t see posting again until after the holidays.

Also, I just wanted to mention that Christmas Day will also be my blog’s 6 month anniversary! Even when I can’t post as much as I would like, I am so glad I made the decision to start One Small Vegan. Thank you to anyone and everyone who views, follows, and comments!

I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and I will see you in the new year!

2 thoughts on “Holiday Hello

  1. Happy 6-month-iversary!
    Hope things calm down a bit for you… I’m so sorry about your dad. This must have been a rough Christmas – it gets easier (this was my 6th dad-less Christmas). Hopefully you remember the great memories you had with him. *hugs*

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